
To become the most trusted resource within the 1st Jurisdiction for youth training & development, enhancing the effectiveness of the local church’s youth department.


To advance the Kingdom of God by developing partnerships with the local youth leaders and their ministry.
  1. To offer spiritual development individual growth, impacting and fostering change within the local ministry and community
  2. To provide world-class training & resources, empowering the local youth leader and assisting in fulfilling the growth plan for the local ministry
  3. To offer social outlets for youth development in education, career planning and extra-curricular activities; creating well-rounded youth and opportunities for local ministries to enhance their youth programs
  4. To create a robust network of youth and youth leaders as a support and advisory system, bridging the gaps between desire and fulfillment, through networking sessions, team-building, collaboration and social media.

Core Initiatives

  1. Processes & Procedures Develop sound administrative and budgetary processes, becoming more proactive and deliberate in our planning, financial support and implementation of programs
  2. Local Ministry Partnership Program Create a partnership with the local ministries, utilizing the regional system to implement National & Jurisdictional programs at the local level
  3. Online Presence Develop an Online Resource & Training Center, providing resources to regional, district and local youth ministries
  4. Gender-Specific Programs/Curriculum Implementing programs that will be male and female-centric, targeting gender-specific issues and development

Tiffany L. Glover